Important Internal Rules, Regulations, Manuals and Records, which are held and used by the employees of the Company in discharge of their functions are given below :
Various licences as applicable to NALCO
The Company has prepared detailed working Manuals for guiding the employees in discharging the day to day functions. The details of these Manuals are given below :
This Manual contains Recruitment and Promotion Rules, Conduct, Discipline & Appeal Rules, Certified Standing Orders, Grievance Redressal Procedure for Executives and Non-executives, Leave Rules, LTC Rules, Travelling Allowance Rules, Conveyance Allowance Rules/RLTE Rules, NALCO (House Building) Advance Rules, Special Advance for Employees, Motor Vehicle Advance Rules, Scheme of Incentives for promotion of Family Welfare, Productivity Linked Incentive Scheme for Executive and Non-Executives, Medical Rules, Reimbursement of Educational Expenses Rules, Grant of Scholarship to children of Employees Rules, Group Insurance Scheme for employees, Benevolent Fund Rules, Employees’ Provident Fund Rules, NALCO Employees Group Gratuity Life Assurance Scheme, Scheme for Voluntary Retirement etc..
The Company has also published a handbook titled “The Company You Keep” containing the various HR Rules in a gist form for use of employees of the Company.
This Manual contains Cash Branch – Functions & Procedures, Establishment Accounts – Branch Procedures (Employees), Miscellaneous Accounts Branch – Procedures, Purchase/Supplier Accounts/Bills – Procedures, Stores Accounts Branch – Procedures, Works/ Contracts Accounts Branch – Procedures, Bank Guarantees, Sales & Marketing Accounts, Books Section – Accounting Functions & Procedures, Financial Accounts & Codification, Asset & Depreciation Accounting, Annual and Quarterly Closing of Accounts, Cost Accounting, Corporate Taxation, Preservation & Destruction of Records, Budget & Budgetary Control – Procedures, Corporate Banking & Centralised Cash Management, Corporate Interenet & E-Payment Procedures etc.
This Manual contains Materials Planning, Mode of Purchase, Tendering Procedure, Evaluation of Tender, Negotiation, Cancellation of Tender, Ordering, Penal Action Against Supplier, Registration & Evaluation of Vendors etc.
This Manual contains Material Classification & Codification, Materials Planning, Inventory Control, Receipt of Materials, Claim Management, Custody & Issue of Materials, Disposal of Surplus & Scrap Materials etc.
This Manual contains Tender Document, Tender Publication, Enlistment of Contractors, Receipt of Tender and their acceptance, Special Conditions of Contract, Execution of Work, Measurement, Earnest Money Deposit/ Security Deposit/Tender Fee, Issue of tools and plants, Extension of time, Payment to the contractor, Blacklisting/ Penal action etc.
These Guidelines contain Sale Order Booking, Modes of Payment, Review of prices, terms & conditions for sale of metal in the Domestic Market for various products, Despatch Instruction, Delivery Invoice, Packing List-cum-material gate pass-cum-despatch advice, Lorry Receipts (LR)/Railway Receipts (PR), Commercial Invoice, Sale from Stockyards, “E1” Forms, Refunds, Follow up with the customers, Response to customer complaint, Guidelines for Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) etc.
This Manual contains an overview of vigilance in a PSU, setup, functions and powers of CVC & CBI, Role of Administrative Ministry on vigilance matters, vigilance organization in NALCO, appointment, role and functions of CVO, complaints, preventive vigilance, investigation, monitoring, legal aspects in Domestic Inquiry, Dos & Dont’s for the Inquiring Authority and Presenting Officer in Departmental Inquiry proceedings, extracts from PC & IPC Acts, the CVC Act etc.
NALCO is an ISO 9001: 2000, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001 certified Company. Accordingly, the Quality System Manuals have been prepared for Smelter, Refinery, Captive Power Plant and Mines division of the Company.
Besides, all the Share Transfer activities, the demat/remat activities and the related activities of the Company are being carried on at its in-house Share Registry as per the guidelines issued by SEBI, Stock Exchanges and the respective Depositories(NSDL/CDSL).