Captive Power Plant
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Captive Power Plant

Presently the Captive Thermal Power Plant has a generation capacity of 1200 MW (10X120MW). While the captive thermal power plant provides entire electric power requirement of aluminium smelter, it also feeds for approximately 35 MW of the power requirement to the alumina refinery through the State Grid.

The location of captive thermal power plant at Angul is also strategic to the availability and supply of coal from nearby Talcher Coalfields. The 18.5 KM captive railway system links the captive thermal power plant to the Talcher coalfields, enabling transport of the critical and bulk requirement of coal.

Captive Power Plant Image

The Salient Features

  • Micro-processor based burner management system for optimum thermal efficiency.
  • Computer controlled data acquisition system for on-line monitoring.
  • Automatic turbine run-up system.
  • Specially designed barrel type high pressure turbine.
  • Advanced electrostatic precipitator (99.9% efficiency) to control pollution.
  • Wet disposal of ash.
  • Zero discharge of effluents.
  • High Concentrate Slurry Disposal (HCSD) System for ash disposal.
  • High plant load factor.

The water for the Plant is drawn from River Brahmani through a 7 KM long triple circuit pipeline. The coal demand is met from a mine of 3.5 Million TPA capacity opened up for Nalco, initially at Bharatpur in Talcher by Mahanadi Coalfields Limited. The Power Plant is inter-connected with the State Grid.