Query/Appeal Online
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Query/Appeal Online

Instructions For General Information Seeker

  • This Act is applicable to Indian Citizens only.
  • The requests seeking information from the Company may be sent:
    -Online through the website www.rtionline.gov.in (NALCO is aligned with this portal under “Ministry of Mines”) or
    -in physical form either in NALCO’s prescribed web downloaded and printed pdf form or in the form of a plain letter together with the prescribed fee under Section 6(1) of the Act.
  • The application seeking information in physical form must be sent along with the supporting documents and applicable fee to the PIO or any APIO of the Company.
  • All mandatory fields in the online application need to be filled in before submitting the request. Otherwise the system will not accept the request.
  • NALCO has published extensive information of the performance and various aspects of the Company in its official website www.nalcoindia.com. Information Seekers are advised to refer the website before seeking any information under the RTI Act, 2005.

Instructions For General Information Seeker

  • The prescribed fee should be sent along with the request application/letter seeking information under Section 6 (1) of the RTI Act, 2005. Click here for seeing the prescribed fee structure.
  • The prescribed fee/cost for providing information in the desired form i.e., photocopy, CD or floppy or for inspection of documents/records or for providing sample or model under Section 7 of the RTI Act is payable and the same shall be intimated by PIO on receipt of the request. Only on receipt of the required fee/cost, the desired information etc. shall be provided.
  • Information seekers should send the prescribed fees by way of cash against proper receipt or IPO oran account payee Bank Draft or an account payee Banker’s Chequefavoring “National Aluminum Co. Ltd.” payable at Bhubaneswar or online (for online application).
  • Information seekers are advised not to send hard cash (currency notes) towards fee etc. in postal envelopes.