Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps

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NALCO Sanjeevani

NALCO Sanjeevani is a dedicated pregnancy and child care Mobile App designed specifically for the employees of NALCO (National Aluminium Company Limited), their families, and the family associated with NALCO such as schools, CISF, Periphery villages, etc. The app aims to provide comprehensive support and resources to ensure the health and well-being of both mothers and children during the complete perinatal period. The secure APP is usable for registered spouses and every login is OTP based. It provides a wide range of Text and PDFs for reading, Videos and Images for every stage of pregnancy.

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(Nalco Initiatives for Social Awareness and Responsible Growth) is a mobile App to inform the citizens to highlight company’s effort towards social causes leading to positive social impact. The Trilingual App contains Vision & Mission, CSR Policy, Annual Reports of NALCO and feedback section. It also contains detailed projects undertaken by NALCO in various peripheral districts and sectors with budget and expenditure statements.

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Hamesha Nalconian

Hamesha Nalconian is a mobile App for the Retired employees of NALCO. It is a single point for information on post-retirement medical reimbursements, empaneled hospitals, related circulars, policies and documents. E-magazine, nodal officers, feedback are other major features of the App.

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(Nalco Grahak Information and Networking App for All) is a mobile App for Customers. As a customer focused mobile application, ‘NAGINAA’ provides details about NALCO, its products, points of sale, product price , MOU scheme and other related information to interested customers. Existing customers can know their MOU lifting details, despatch details, truck placement plan, account summary etc. Customers can also provide valuable feedback using the App.

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(Nalco Micro And Small enterprise Yogayog Application – Bi-lingual App for MSE) is a mobile App for MSE Vendors. The App provides a platform to highlight NALCO’s efforts towards development of MSE. The App empowers MSEs with required information about vendor registration process, items which can be supplied by them with technical specification, vendor development programmes and training programmes of NALCO etc.