CSR Overview

CSR Overview

“Whenever you are in doubt…recall the face of the poorest and the weekest man whom you may have seen and ask yourself if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to his? Will he gain anything by it? Will it restore him to control over his own life and destiny? The test alone can make our plans and programmes meaningful.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

mahatma gandhi

Our Vision

  • To be an agent to engineer holistic development

Our Mission

  • To work with communities in the vicinity of Nalco projects as partners for sustainable development.
  • To take up sustainable development projects to support education, health, drinking water and basic amenities along with income generation programmes.
  • To empower women to find a rightful place in nation building;
  • To empower children, differently abled persons (including physically and mentally challenged), old and destitute persons for a dignified living.
  • To promote art, culture, heritage and sports, with emphasis on tribal art and culture, in the vicinity of Nalco projects.
  • To promote environmental conservation measures.

The Dictum

At Nalco, “Let all be happy” is the guiding spirit, which is embedded in the company’s CSR logo. While trying to suffuse happiness, the company remembers the words of Mahatma Gandhi: “Whenever you are in doubt … recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have seen and ask yourself if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him? Will he gain anything by it? Will it restore him to control over his own life and destiny? That test alone can make our plans and programmes meaningful.”

Along with its business, Nalco lays special emphasis on its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. The company has come to represent a better quality of life for communities residing in the vicinity of its plants and facilities. The company has comprehensively addressed the problems of rehabilitation of displaced families with adequate compensation, housing and employment to the extent feasible. These apart, the company assigns high importance to promotion and maintenance of a pollution free environment in all its activities.

The Formative Years

When the company started its activities in Orissa in 1981, there was no such nomenclature like CSR. All that the company felt was its Moral Responsibility towards the society. But today, CSR has become a buzzword in the corporate world. More and more organizations are waking up to this belated realization that beyond productivity and profitability, it is the social accountability that determines their image. Presently, even before the land is acquired and foundation stone laid for a project, the company launches its CSR activities in the area. It is presumed that on a solid CSR foundation, a strong business empire can be built.