Integrated Health Management System

Integrated Health Management System

Staff shortages, continuing cost inflation and service demand have intensified the call for more effective and efficient use of scarce resources through integrated service delivery models. Integrated health systems are widely considered to provide superior performance in terms of quality and safety as a result of effective communication and standardized protocols. Despite the growing enthusiasm for integration, information related to implementing and evaluating integration-related initiatives is dispersed and not easily accessible.

The project will help providing health care benefits to NALCO project affected people immensely. Project will be an aggregate Health care support service to the people. Around 39 peripheral villages at Angul and approximately 162 villages/hamlets at Damanjodi will be benefited from the Program. Under this Well Being Clinics will be established and managed by professionals. They will provide the basic medical facilities including clinical tests. Ambulance Services will be provided to critically ill patients. A call centre will coordinate all such services. Also assistance to all peripheral villagers will be extended for utilizing different health support extended by State of Odisha.

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