Protection of National Heritage and Culture and Handicraft

Protection of National Heritage and Culture and Handicraft

NALCO organizes “Kalinga Mahotsava” at Dhauli and “Rajarani Music Festival” in association with the Tourism Department, Government of Odisha. The Company has also con tributed Rs. 25 lakh for the “Culture Fund” of Government of Odisha for the progress and development of the Odishan Culture. It contributes Rs 10 lakh to Tribal Festival “Parab” every year. The Company has also contributed Rs 15 lakh for construction of Odishi Research Center at Bhubaneswar. Besides these, NALCO spends more than Rs. 100 lakh every year, sponsoring seminars, cultural programmes and sports events all over the State. Financial assistance provided to Rural Art museum at Chilika. NALCO has taken up the renovation and development of Samaleswari bhaan at samaleswari temple complex,Sambalpur.

Protection of National Heritage