Aluminium Rolled Products

Aluminium Rolled Products


NALCO has recently started producing Flat Rolled Aluminium Products through the continuous caster route. Rolled Products, in certain limited widths and thickness are being produced and sold in the Domestic market in India. The envisaged product range comprises of Rolled Products of various sizes, in alloys AA1050, AA1100, AA1200, AA3003, AA3105, AA5005, AA5052, AA8011, etc. However, to begin with, Rolled Products in alloys AA1050 & AA1100, in a limited size range would be offered for export. Rolled Products of other alloys and sizes would be offered for export in a progressive manner, at a later stage.

1. Registration – Aluminium Rolled Products

It is envisaged that the export of Aluminium Rolled Products would be done by floating tenders and inviting bids from Customers registered with us, or, on a one-to-one basis with customers registered with us.

The Rolled Products would be exported from the Indian Ports like Visakhapatnam, Kolkata & Paradip, and would be based on contracts with overseas buyer directly and letter of credit opened by them in US Dollars payable at sight at the counters of State Bank of India, Bhubaneswar, India allowing TT reimbursement within three working days. The letter of credit is to be opened by a 1st class International Bank acceptable to NALCO.

Only overseas buyers having sound financial and business credentials and experience in International Trading are invited to be registered with us. Overseas offices of Government of India Undertakings are also eligible for registration. The annual turnover of the prospective customers should not be less than USD 2 million or equivalent. However, in case of direct consumers/end users, these criteria could be relaxed.

Customers meeting the above criteria and desirous of registration with us for export sale of Aluminium Rolled Products are requested to send us the following details:

  • Name, Address, Telephone, Telefax, e-mail of the company for correspondence along with names of contact persons and their capacities.
  • Description about the business activities of the company.
  • Published recent Annual report. If such Annual Report is not published, the same should be declared and a certified accounts statement may please be furnished.
  • Banker’s certificate regarding solvency & financial capability of buyer.
  • The Names of First Class International Banks through whom the letters of credit are intended to be opened.
  • Any other information / document which the buyer feels relevant for registration.

Please courier the above details to

Executive Director (Marketing)
National Aluminium Company Limited
NALCO BHAWAN’, P/1, Nayapalli,
Bhubaneswar 751 013, Orissa, India.
Fax: +91 674 2300 521