Special Hydrates/Alumina & Zeolite-A

Special Hydrates/Alumina & Zeolite-A


NALCO has been producing special grade hydrate and special grade alumina from a pilot plant having a capacity of 600 TPY. Recently a Main Plant for production of these items having a capacity of 26,400 TPY has been commissioned. Both of these plants are located within NALCO’s Alumina Refinery at Damanjodi, Orissa , India . These plants produce dry and microfined hydrates and high alpha coarse, high alpha ground, low soda high alpha coarse and high alpha low soda ground alumina of several grades. These products are sold in domestic market and exports of the same is also being developed.

In the same location NALCO also produces Detergent Grade Zeolite (Zeolite-A) from a plant having capacity of 10,000 TPY. Zeolite-A is mostly sold in domestic market and feasibility of exports are also being studied.

1. Procedure – Export of Special Hydrates/Alumina & Zeolite-A

All exports are based on our contracts with overseas customers directly and letters of credit opened by them in our favour. The supplies are against irrevocable letter of credit (L/C), payable at sight, in US Dollars, at the counters of State Bank of India , Commercial Branch, Bhubaneswar , India . The L/C must be opened in a FIRST CLASS INTERNATIONAL BANK acceptable to NALCO and conforming to Uniform customs and practice for documentary credits, 1993 revision, publication No.500 of ICC. The L/C must allow TT Reimbursement within 2 working days.

Such contracts are based on tenders floated by Nalco from time to time. The tenders are issued only to customers registered with Nalco. All export is made from Visakhapatnam Port.

2. Registration – Export of Special Hydrates/Alumina & Zeolite-A

Customers desirous of sourcing these products from NALCO are requested to contact us for registration with a brief business profile and await our feedback.

Please courier the above details to

Executive Director (Marketing)
National Aluminium Company Limited
NALCO BHAWAN’, P/1, Nayapalli,
Bhubaneswar 751 013, Orissa, India.
Fax: +91 674 2300 521