19th All Odisha QC Convention by NALCO Concludes

19th All Odisha QC Convention by NALCO Concludes


All Odisha QC Convention

Bhubaneswar, 25/04/2014:  The 19th All Odisha Quality Circle Convention, organized by NALCO on April 23 and 24, at Nalco Nagar, Bhubaneswar has come to an end. The QC Convention is being organized by NALCO since 1996.

On the concluding day, Prof. (Dr.) K.C. Sahu, Former Director, NITIE, Mumbai and Former Head of IMC, IIT, Kharagpur, was the chief guest and handed over the prizes to the winning QC teams.

The NALCO Trophy and Gold Plaque were won by Quality Circle ‘BLACK DIAMOND’ of Alumina Refinery of NALCO, while Quality Circle ‘DISHA’ of NTPC, Talcher emerged as the Runner-up and won the Silver Plaque. Among the TPM Circles, ‘JHALAK’ of Khondbond Mines, OMQ, TATA Steel was the winner and bagged the Gold Plaque, while ‘SHAKTI’ of Balasore Alloys was the Runner-up winning the Silver Plaque. Quality Circles ‘DAZZLE’ of Manganese Mines, FAMD, TATA Steel and ‘VIBGYOR’ of OCL, Cement Division, Rajgangpur received awards for Meritorious Performance. Special Prizes were won by teams from Kapilas Cement Works, Tangi; Rourkela Steel Plant; HAL, Sunabeda; NTPC, Kaniha and SESA Sterlite, Jharsuguda.

Earlier, on April 23, Shri Ansuman Das, CMD, NALCO inaugurated the convention and focused on improving quality not only in the field of production but also in every sphere of activities.


In the concluding session, Shri Bijoy Dash, Former ED(Production) of NALCO, Shri Chandreswar Khan, Former GM of Tata Motors, Shri S.P. Patnaik, ED(CP&BD), NALCO and Shri S.K. Dash, ED(P&T), NALCO addressed the participants and felicitated other winners.