22nd All Odisha QC Convention by NALCO Concludes

22nd All Odisha QC Convention by NALCO Concludes


Bhubaneswar, 28.04.2017 : The 22nd All Odisha Quality Circle Convention, organized by NALCO on April 26 and 27, at Nalco Nagar, Bhubaneswar concluded on 27th April 2017. The QC Convention is being organized by NALCO since 1996.
On the concluding day, Shri Biswaranjan Samal, IAS, Chief Vigilance Officer, NALCO was the chief guest and handed over prizes to the winning teams. In his inspiring address, he advised all the participating teams to take quality movement to further heights in the State & to create a knowledge bank of all improvement projects, for dissemination of knowledge. Dr. B.R. Bangray, QCFI delivered the keynote address and appreciated the efforts of NALCO in propagating the culture of innovation by promoting TQM movement in the State. He mentioned that with the Make in India initiative there must be greater emphasis on re-engineering processes to improve efficiency and quality circles will have a large role to play. In the concluding session, Shri S.K. Das, Executive Director (P&T) & Shri K.N. Ravindra, Executive Director (Company Secretary) also felicitated the winners.
The NALCO Trophy for Quality Circles was won by Quality Circle ‘Feeding Ring’ of Tata Steel, FAP, Bamnipal, while Quality Circle ‘Bauxite’ of NALCO Mines emerged as the Runners-up and won the Gold Plaque. In the competition amongst TPM Circles, ‘Pragati’ of J K Paper Mill was the Winner and won the NALCO Trophy, while ‘KM-Jhalak’ of Tata Steel, Khonbond Mines was Runners-up winning the Gold Plaque. Award for Meritorious Performance were won by Quality Circles/ TPM Circles ‘Mile stone’ of NTPC, TSTPS, Kaniha, ‘Pioneer’ of RSP Rourkela, ‘Marut’ of HAL Engine Division, ‘Jagruti’ of TRL-Krosaki Refractories Ltd. & ‘Eureka’ of Balasore Alloys Ltd. Special Prizes for Best Analysis, Best Process Focus, Best Effectiveness & Result, Best Learning Experience, Best Team Presentation & Best Knowledge Display were won respectively by Quality Circles ‘Kautilya’ of Tata Steel, Sukinda Chromite mines, ‘Happy’ of Tata Sponge Iron, ‘Anusandhan’ of Hindalco Smelter, ‘Prayas’ of NTPC, TTPS, Talcher, ‘Chemspirit’ of NTPC, TSTPS, Kaniha & ‘MI-007’ of HAL, Koraput Division.
Earlier, on April 26, Shri K.C. Samal, Director (Finance) NALCO inaugurated the convention. Altogether, 35 Quality Circles & TPM circles from 24 units of different organizations participated in this Convention and presented their case studies. Shri V. Balasubramanyam, Director (Production), NALCO & Shri S.K. Roy Director (P&T) were also present on the occasion as the guests of honour.