Annual Performance: 2013-14

Annual Performance: 2013-14


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Nalco Achieves Highest-Ever Turnover & Foreign Exchange Earnings

Bhubaneswar, 03/04/2014:  National Aluminium Company Ltd. (NALCO), the Navratna PSU under Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India, has reported excellent results in terms of production performances and foreign exchange earnings for the year 2013-14. During the year, the company achieved record foreign exchange earnings of Rs.3719 crore (provisional). It may be mentioned that as per the Public Enterprise Survey of Dept. of Public Enterprises, Govt. of India, published in February 2014, NALCO has emerged as the 3rd highest ‘Net foreign exchange earning CPSE’ for the year 2012-13.

Besides, in terms of physical performance, NALCO has also reported record performance in bauxite and alumina production for the fiscal. The company has achieved the highest-ever bauxite production of 62.93 lakh tonnes, against the previous best of 54.19 lakh tonnes achieved in previous fiscal. At the same time, NALCO’s Alumina Refinery has produced 19.25 lakh tonnes of alumina hydrate, which is an all-time high, against the previous best of 18.02 lakh tonnes achieved in 2012-13. According to Shri Ansuman Das, CMD, NALCO, during the year, the metal production of the company was curtailed from 4.03 lakh tonnes to 3.16 lakh tonnes, due to planned shutdown of around 300 pots (out of total 960 pots), due to lower LME price. Besides, “It was not commercially viable to produce more metal using expensive imported coal,” Shri Das said. The net power generation by company’s Captive Power Plant was 4,989 million units.

The company has achieved highest-ever sale of Alumina / Hydrate of 13.42 lakh tonnes against 9.83 lakh achieved in previous year. Total metal sale was 3.20 lakh tonnes against 4.03 lakh tonnes in 2012-13 fiscal.