Good Samaritans come forward for Covid Warriors

Good Samaritans come forward for Covid Warriors


Bhubaneswar, 01.05.2020: At a time when people have to stay indoors due to the nationwide lockdown, the police personnel are in the forefront braving all odds to combat COVID 19 by ensuring law and order situation and enforcing round the clock lockdown orders.

To show respect and support to these covid warriors, the members of NALCO Foundation and NALCO Mahila Samiti as good Samaritans have come forward to provide food packets to these police personnel, who are on frontline duties at various check posts in Bhubaneswar. The team led by Smt Sasmita Patra, President, NALCO Mahila Samiti, along with Smt Prativa Mishra, Secretary and other members of NALCO Mahila Samiti in association with Senior officials of NALCO Foundation, distributed about 1500 hygienically prepared food packets today at various check posts including 120 battalion square, Damana Square, Nalco Square, etc. Worth mentioning that distribution of these food packets shall continue on a regular basis initially for next 07 days in first phase.