Jeypore joins Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas Sammelan

Jeypore joins Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas Sammelan


Bhubaneswar, 13/06/2017 : Shri Ajay Chandrakar, Cabinet Minister for Panchayat & Rural Development, Legislative Affairs, Health & Family Welfare and Medical Education, Chhattisgarh, inaugurated the Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas Sammelan at Bikram Dev Stadium, Jeypore, Odisha on 13th June 2017. He was the Chief Guest on the occasion and enlightened the gathering on the various programmes and initiatives of the Central Government in the three years of governance. Shri D.K. Mohanty, Executive Director (M&R)-I/c, NALCO, Shri Jayram Pangi, Ex-MP, Shri Bhrugu Baxipatra, State General Secretary, BJP and Shri Bijay Mishra, District President, BJP, also spoke on the occasion.
Cultural performances by various groups engaged and enthralled the audience in this two hour event. The sammelan was attended by more than 2500 people, including women and children, from nearby areas.