K.V Chowdary, CVC to deliver  Nalco Foundation Day Lecture

K.V Chowdary, CVC to deliver Nalco Foundation Day Lecture


Bhubaneswar, 04/01/2016: Shri K.V. Chowdary, Central Vigilance Commissioner, Govt. of India will deliver the 15th Edition of Nalco Foundation Day Lecture Series on 6th January 2016 at 4.00 PM at Nalco Bhavan, Bhubaneswar. Shri Aditya Prasad Padhi, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Odisha will preside over the meeting. Shri Tapan Kumar Chand, CMD, Nalco shall deliver the welcome address and introduce the topic. Shri Chowdary shall speak on ‘Preventive Vigilance : Key to Good Corporate Governance’. As a corporate philosophy, Nalco has focused on value-based management, taking manifold steps to promote transparency, fairness, responsibility and accountability that are cardinal principles of Corporate Governance. The talk shall be followed by interaction with audience, comprising bureaucrats, technocrats, industrialists, educationists and media persons, besides Nalco employees.

Speaker’s Profile 

Shri K.V. Chowdary, an Officer of the 1978 batch of Indian Revenue Service, assumed the office of Central Vigilance Commissioner since 10th June 2015. Born on 10th October 1954, in Machilipatnam village of Andhra Pradesh, Shri Chowdary completed his B.Sc. from Loyola College Chennai and M.Sc. in Mathematics from IIT Chennai. He had worked as a Probationary Officer in Andhra Bank from December 1976 to July 1978.

Shri Chowdary joined the Indian Revenue Service in September 1978. Before joining the Central Vigilance Commission, he was Advisor to the Department of Revenue on Black Money and Chairman of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT). He served the Income Tax Department in various capacities in Hyderabad, New Delhi, Chennai, Bengaluru, Varanasi, Nagpur and Visakhapatnam. He also served the Ministry of Company Affairs on deputation.

Shri Chowdary investigated several sensitive and complicated cases. Several of his cases are reported in “Let Us Share”, an official compilation of good work of officers of the IT Department.

Shri Chowdary was a Member of Indian delegation for negotiations with OECD in Paris in 2004; a Member of the Committee constituted by the Hon’ble Finance Minister to redraft the Income Tax Act and a Member of the Committee on Business Process Re-engineering for IT Department. He has represented India in the International Conferences of Heads of Criminal Investigation in Turkey (2013) and in Netherlands (2014).