Meeting of Bhubaneswar Town Official Language Implementation Committee (Undertakings) at NALCO

Meeting of Bhubaneswar Town Official Language Implementation Committee (Undertakings) at NALCO


Bhubaneswar, 21/09/2017: The 7th half-yearly meeting of Bhubaneswar Town Official Language Implementation Committee (Undertakings) was organized today at NALCO’s Corporate Office. The meeting was presided over by Shri Basanta Kumar Thakur, Director (Human Resources), NALCO.

Shri Suresh Chandra Hota, Director, Airport Authority of India, Shri P.K. Mishra, Director, NCDC, Shri Ashish Ekka, Chief Manager, HPCL, Shri Laxmi Prasad Das, Chief Divisional Manager, LIC, Shri P.S.Panda, Dy.Director, ESI, Shri U.N.L. Chainalu, Branch Manager, ECGC and Shri S.S. Haldar, Dy General Manager, ITI were the guests of honor on the occasion.

The meeting was also attended by Hindi officers, Hindi Translators of above offices along with BPCL, IOCL, Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd., New India Assurance Co. Ltd., MMTC, NTPC, FCI, and other CPSUs of Bhubaneswar.

Discussions were held, among the members, on organizing joint programs like Hindi Workshop, Hindi Competitions, Hindi Kavi Sammelan and constituting of sub-committees for propogating use of Hindi in Official work. Report of Hindi Competitions on the theme Pt. Deendayal Upadyaya Birth Centenary organised during Hindi Fortnight among the CPSUs of Bhubaneswar submitted in the meeting.

After the discussion among members, the Chairman of the meeting Shri B.K. Thakur, Director (HR), NALCO, reviewed progress reports and suggested some ideas to increase the day to day work in Hindi with the help of different Hindi Apps provided by Govt. of India.

The meeting was coordinated by Shri Hariram Pansari, Member-secretary of the Committee and Sr.Manager (Rajbhasha) of NALCO.