NALCO celebrates World Environment Day

NALCO celebrates World Environment Day

Plantation by NALCO CMD
Plantation by NALCO Mahila Samiti

Bhubaneswar, 05/06/20: National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO), the Navratna PSU of Govt. of India, celebrated World Environment Day on June 5. As a responsible corporate citizen, NALCO’s commitment towards environment care and management has been its hallmark since its inception.

To mark the occasion, mass plantation drives were undertaken at the company’s units and offices. At Bhubaneswar, Shri Sridhar Patra, CMD, NALCO, formally launched the plantation drive by planting a sapling in the NALCO residential colony. Directors of the company, representatives of various Unions and Associations also participated in the plantation drive adhering to social distancing norms and adequate precautionary measures in view of the COVID 19 pandemic.

Shri Sridhar Patra, CMD, reiterated about NALCO’s continuous endeavour towards nurturing nature and safeguarding the environment. “At individual level and at collective level, we must continue to contribute towards protecting and promoting our environment as it pivotal for a sustainable future”, he said.  He also urged everyone to be conscious about the responsibility towards protecting the planet and gifting a better tomorrow for future generations.

In a separate function, the members of NALCO Mahila Samiti, led by Smt Sasmita Patra, President, also participated in a mass plantation drive with much enthusiasm in the presence of noted Ollywood actress Ms. Archita Sahu and planted saplings of fruits & medicinal plants.