NALCO Opens New Stockyard at New Delhi

NALCO Opens New Stockyard at New Delhi


Bhubaneswar, 26/11/2014:  National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO), the Navratna PSU of Govt. of India, has opened a new stockyard at New Delhi. Shri Ansuman Das, Chairman-cum- Managing Director inaugurated the stockyard on 24th November, in the presence of Ms. Soma Mondal, Director (Commercial), Shri R.N. Lenka, Executive Director (Marketing), Shri A.S. Ahluwalia, Regional Manager (NR) and other officials of NALCO and customers of Northern Region.

It may be mentioned that, New Delhi is the 11th stockyard of NALCO in the country. This will further boost the sale of aluminium metal in Northern Region.