NALCO takes up Innovative Approach to Promote Swachhata

NALCO takes up Innovative Approach to Promote Swachhata

  • 1000 Rag-Pickers to be provided with personal hygiene kits
  • To distribute 5 lakh cloth bags as substitute to plastic bags

Bhubaneswar, 26/10/18:Joining the nationwide observance of Swachhata Pakhwada, Navaratna CPSE NALCO today took up an innovative approach to spread the importance of cleanliness by distributing personal hygiene kits including hand gloves, t-shirts, masks, organic soaps etc. to more than 200 rag- pickers from various slums of Bhubaneswar. It is targeted to provide these hygiene kits to 1000 rag-pickers.

Dr. Tapan Kumar Chand, CMD, NALCO, handed over the personal hygiene kits to the rag-pickers from various slums in the city including Jagannath Leprosy Basti, Kargil Basti, Pokhariput Basti, Niladri Vihar Basti, Damana Basti, Ishaneswar Basti etc.

Underscoring the importance of cleanliness and hygiene for a healthy life, Dr. Chand applauded the role of Rag-Pickers as the frontline soldiers of “Swachhata” in any town or city. He said that their condition needs to be alleviated and their welfare needs to be ensured.

The event was organised by NALCO in association with Seva Prayas Foundation. Shri B.K. Thakur, Director (HR), NALCO, noted social activist and founder of Seva Prayas, Ms. Linkan Subudhi, along with senior officials of NALCO were present on the occasion.

It is worth mentioning that the company as part of its continuous endeavours to create awareness on cleanliness and as part of the run-up to mark the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, has been organising host of activities at its Corporate office in Bhubaneswar and also across the country in its various production units and offices.

NALCO under its Swachhata-hi-Seva movement, has plans to distribute five lakh cloth bags to various social organisation for use of general public. The company has also started an online campaign “Swachhathon” under which it invites innovative ideas from school and college students for promoting cleanliness and adopting strategies for a clean Bhubaneswar. Similarly, to promote cleanliness in schools, NALCO has instituted the “Swachh Vidyalaya” award.

The meeting was coordinated by Shri Hariram Pansari, Member-secretary of the Committee and Sr.Manager (Rajbhasha) of NALCO.