NALCO’s 160 KWp Rooftop Solar Project Inaugurated

NALCO’s 160 KWp Rooftop Solar Project Inaugurated


Bhubaneswar, 28/01/2015:  The 160 KWp Rooftop Solar Project at the Corporate Office of National Aluminium Company (NALCO), a Navratna PSU was formally inaugurated by Shri Vishnu Deo Sai, Hon’ble Minister of State for Steel & Mines, Govt. of India, today at Bhubaneswar, in the presence of Shri Ansuman Das, CMD, Shri N.R. Mohanty, Director (P&T), Shri S.C. Padhy, Director (HR), Ms. Soma Mondal, Director (Commercial), Shri V. Balasubramanyam, Director (Production) & other Senior Officials. This is the first largest Rooftop Solar Power Project commissioned in the State on a single roof.

The Rooftop Solar Power Project has been set-up at a total project cost of Rs.1.25 Cr as part of company’s effort towards harnessing the unconventional and renewable energy sources. It may be mentioned that NALCO has also taken up the installation of Rooftop Solar project of 100 KWp at its township in Nalco Nagar, Bhubaneswar and also has the plans for similar projects in its units. Besides, the company is evaluating to set-up more Solar Power Plants at other suitable locations in India.