NALCO’s Sustainable Development Report based on GRI international guidelines released

NALCO’s Sustainable Development Report based on GRI international guidelines released


Bhubaneswar, 30/04/2016: The Navratna CPSE National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) released the 4th edition of its Sustainable Development Report today, based on the latest guidelines (GRI G4) of internationally acclaimed Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Headquartered in Amsterdam, GRI has developed an elaborate and critical framework for reporting on socio-economic and environmental aspects of an organization. It is an independent body that collaborates with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and United Nations Global Compact. Presently, about 7500 organizations across the globe are using the GRI guidelines.

“Sustainability reporting has emerged as an excellent management practice, adopted by progressive organizations world over. NALCO is one of the few such organizations in India, which has successfully undergone content index service assessment by GRI,” said Dr. Tapan Kumar Chand, CMD of the aluminium major, releasing the publication in presence of Directors, ED(Production) and GM(SH&E) of the company. “We have comprehensively addressed the sustainability issues from organizational point of view, like socio-economic, environmental, ethical and governance, which greatly impact the society,” Dr. Chand added. The report shall also be hosted on public domain.