NIPM, Utkal Chapter Celebrates 40th Foundation Day

NIPM, Utkal Chapter Celebrates 40th Foundation Day


Bhubaneswar, 16th Mar. 2019:Human Resources experts from the public and private sector discussed and deliberated on wide-ranging topics, case studies, challenges and the latest trends in the HR profession at the 40th Foundation Day of National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM), Utkal Chapter, held at Nalco Nagar, Bhubaneswar.

The event was observed under the Chairmanship of Mr. B K Thakur, Director (HR), NALCO and was attended by industry veterans, members of NIPM, former CMDs & Directors, serving Directors and General Managers from different industrial organizations, HR professionals and educational institutes.

On the occasion, Dr. Sarat Kumar Acharya, ex-CMD, NLCIL was the Chief Guest, Dr Arun Kumar Rath, ex-IAS, Professor Emeritus of IMI, New Delhi and Mr. Himanshu Sekhar Pati, ex-Director (Personnel) SAIL & Director, MCL were the Guests of Honour.

Eminent speakers highlighted the current changes in the world scenario and the challenges posed before the HR professionals. They lucidly shared lot of valuable tips to the future Managers of our country, from their rich experiences.

Mr. Sanjay Kumar Mishra, Hony. Secretary of NIPM, Utkal Chapter, welcomed the HR professionals present from various corporates, statutory authorities from the Govt., management consultants, faculties & students from PM&IR Dept. of Utkal University, Madhususdan Institute of Co-operative Management and Gandhi Institute for Technology, who were present in large numbers.

On this occasion, the latest issue of the quarterly journal “Personnel Focus” published by NIPM, Utkal Chapter was also released. Dr. Santosh Tripathy, Vice-Chairman of the chapter proposed the vote of thanks. The event was ably compered and co-ordinated by Dr. Suvendu Das, the Chairperson of the Programme committee.