Solar Power for NALCO Corporate Office

Solar Power for NALCO Corporate Office


Bhubaneswar, 12/03/2014: As part of green initiatives, Navratna PSU National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) is setting up a grid connected PV system rooftop solar project of 160 kilowatts peak (kWp) for its Corporate Office building at Bhubaneswar.

The project setting up activity was formally launched today by Shri Ansuman Das, Chairman cum Managing Director, NALCO. The project is expected to generate green renewable energy of about 2.10 lakh units per annum. 30% subsidy of the capital cost would be provided by Central Government through Solar Energy Corporation of India Ltd (SECI).

It may be mentioned that in its efforts towards promoting sustainable development by harnessing the unconventional and renewable energy sources, NALCO has already commissioned two wind power plants of capacities 50.4 MW & 47.6 MW at Gandikota in Andra Pradesh and Ludarva in Rajasthan respectively. Besides, plans are also afoot to set up the third wind power plant in its own mined out area of Panchpatmali Bauxite deposit in Koraput.