TOLIC Meeting at Nalco

TOLIC Meeting at Nalco


Bhubaneswar: 29/04/2015:  The third half-yearly meeting of Town Official Language Implementation Committee (TOLIC) (Undertakings), Bhubaneswar, under the Department of Official Language, Govt. of India, was held under the aegis of Nalco, here on 28th April. Shri Ansuman Das, Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Nalco, presided over the meeting. On behalf of NALCO, Shri S.C. Padhy, Director (HR), Shri N.R. Mohanty, Director (P&T), Shri Ashok Kumar Sahu, ED(H&A), graced the occasion. Shri A.K. Pahi, General Manager (Admn.), BSNL, Shri Sarad Kumar, Director, AAI, Bhubaneswar, Shri Alok Srivastav, Regional Manager of Oriental Insurance, Shri Samant Kumar, General Manager, Hotel Kalinga Ashok were also present on this occasion. 33 representatives of Central Govt. Undertakings, Corporations etc. of Bhubaneswar participated in the meeting.

During the meeting, discussions were held on organising joint programmes for the widespread use of Hindi in Official works. After the discussion among members, Chairman Shri Das expressed his views that use of Hindi is not only necessary for national integration and complying the statutory provisions, but also important for financial progress and good governance of the country. He urged all the representatives of member-offices to do maximum possible official work in Hindi. Dy. Chairman of the committee Shri Padhy emphasised for publishing a Hindi E-magazine at the level of TOLIC (U). Senior officers of other offices gave many suggestions for enhancing the use of Hindi.

On this occasion, Shri Hariram Pansari, Manager (Rajbhasha), NALCO was felicitated by the Chairman for his appointment as a member of Project Review and Steering Group, Indian Language Technology Proliferation & Deployment Centre, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Govt. of India.

The meeting was co-ordinated by Shri Sudarshan Tarai, Member-secretary of of the Committee and AGM(Rajbhasha), NALCO.