“We Are Running Profitably, While Smelters Worldwide Are Being Shut Down,” Says Nalco Cmd

“We Are Running Profitably, While Smelters Worldwide Are Being Shut Down,” Says Nalco Cmd


Shri Ansuman Das, CMD, NALCO, inaugurating the 19th All Odisha Quality Circle Convention at Bhubaneswar today.

Shri Ansuman Das, CMD, NALCO, addressing the participants at inaugural ceremony of 19th All Odisha Quality Circle Convention that is being held at Bhubaneswar from April 23 & 24.

Bhubaneswar, 10/05/2014:  “We are running profitably, while Smelters worldwide are being shut down,” says Shri Ansuman Das, CMD, NALCO. He was addressing the employees of company’s Smelter & Power Complex at Angul yesterday. While appreciating the collective endeavour of the employees, Shri Das outlined the growth strategy and sustainability of NALCO in his address.

At the outset, Shri Das expressed his optimism as regards the completion of ongoing Lean Slurry Project by the end of this year. The Project shall solve the ash disposal problem of the company’s Captive Power Plant by transporting ash slurry to the voids of coal mines. He was equally hopeful about the Utkal-E Coal Project and allotment of Pottangi bauxite mines.

In case of the proposed alumina refinery in Gujarat, Shri Das informed that NALCO has offered the Gujarat Govt 49% of its stake to ensure its participation and commitment. Meanwhile, NALCO has approached the Ambassadors of 6 countries viz. Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Qatar, Oman and Iran, for setting up Smelters overseas in joint venture.

Because of the sluggish aluminium market worldwide and coal shortage, NALCO had to shut down one-third pots of its Smelter at Angul. But recently, the company added 10 more pots to its 631 operational pots. “It’s a small, but significant step,” said Shri Das and urged the employees to remain prepared when things really start looking up.

Shri S.S. Mahapatra, Director (Production) and Shri S.C. Padhy, Director (HR) also addressed the gathering.