World’s lowest cost producer of Alumina, NALCO becomes center of attraction in the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) at Melbourne, Australia

World’s lowest cost producer of Alumina, NALCO becomes center of attraction in the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) at Melbourne, Australia


Bhubaneswar, 30/10/2018: One of the world’s largest Mining and Resources Conference is being held from 29 th Oct 2018 to 1 st Nov 2018 at Melbourne, Australia. This international conference is being attended by more than 6,000 delegates from across the world representing more than 90 countries with thousands of miners, corporates, consultants, technocrats and investors. India is being represented by Ministry of Mines and Ministry of Coal with major PSUs like Coal India Limited, NALCO, NMDC, HCL, MECL etc. and other private companies. NALCO has been designated as the nodal organization to set up India Pavilion and promote “Make in India”.

The participation of India aims to explore the avenues for collaboration in the fields of acquisition of mineral resources, mining and metallurgical technology, exploration in geo science studies etc. State governments and industry bodies are also encouraged to participate in these events. The India Pavilion showcasing the achievement of India in mining and mineral resources was inaugurated by Sh. Anil Kumar Nayak, Jt. Secretary, Ministry of Mines and the INDIA at IMARC 2018 web portal was launched by Dr. T K Chand, CMD, NALCO.

A number of G2B & B2B business transaction were conducted covering possibilities of acquisition of mining assets , Joint Ventures, supply of plant and equipment, transfer of technology, research and development. The expansion plan of Aluminium major NALCO which has achieved the distinction of being the lowest cost producer of alumina in the world evinced huge enthusiasm amongst the global corporates. NALCO also showcased Angul Aluminium Park and invited high end Aluminium makers to come and set up units in Angul, Odisha. NALCO also projected Odisha as the “Aluminium Capital of India” and invited top global corporates of aluminium Industries to come to Bhubaneswar and participate in the International Aluminium Conference (INCAL 2019), to be held during 30th Jan to 1st Feb 2019.