Contract Labour Management System

Contract Labour Management System


National Aluminium Company Limited being a leading CPSE and a responsible Corporate Citizen believes that “Human Resources” are the vital aspect of the organization, whether they are engaged directly or indirectly in the Company. As part of this philosophy, it takes utmost care of its people including the contract labourers. The engagement of contract labourers in NALCO is regulated by the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 and various other rules made by the Appropriate Government in this regard. In order to go ahead with the digitization drive by the Government of India to bring in transparency and to facilitate the maintenance of records in electronic form under the Information Technology Act, 2000, NALCO has developed a centralized portal for Contract Labour Management.

The portal will help in digitization of most of the transactions pertaining to contract labour engagement; thereby reducing human intervention and increasing transparency in the system. The portal will also incorporate the Combined Forms under the Ease of Compliance to Maintain Registers under various Labour Laws & Rules, applicable to the contract labourers. The system, developed in-house, maintains a comprehensive database of all contractors and contract labourers engaged at different Units/Offices of NALCO and will facilitate fulfilment of NALCO’s responsibility as a sensible Principal Employer under the statute.

The system will have inherent mechanism to validate payment of minimum wages, other statutory dues like EPF and ESI, generate wage slips, employment cards and several statutory Forms/Registers/Returns related to contract labour deployment as required under the statutes. Compliance by contractors on payment of wages and other benefits to the contract labourers will be ensured through this portal.