Waste Utilization

Waste Utilization

Red Mud

  • Fiber-reinforced polymer composition (door and window panels, tiles and sheets etc.) successfully developed
  • Soil conditioners/fertilizers synthesized in lab scale
  • Ferrite cement developed in lab scale

Fly Asht

Ash Utilisation

Power Plant (CPP), NALCO, Angul has been making continuous efforts to increase fly ash Utilisation in an environment friendly manner through various methods. In the current year 2015-16 the fly ash utilization has been 62.75% upto December’2015.

Fly ash generated in the CPP is used for various activities like manufacturing of bricks, use in cement industry, asbestos manufacturing, agriculture, concreting work, road construction work etc. Fly ash is supplied to manufacturers of fly ash brick and ash based products free of cost. As part of its long term planning a project has taken up for filling of abandoned coal mines of Bharatpur(South) of MCL, Talcher As per the directive of Government of Odisha, CPP, NALCO is pleased to inform all fly ash Brick manufacturers in Odisha that it will be providing subsidy of Rs. 150/- per MT of fly ash to brick manufacturers. Interested parties are requested to contact ASH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT of CPP for details of the scheme .

Contact Details:

  • 9437032731 -Sri K. C. Sial, JM (Elect.)
  • 9437217974 – Sri A. K. Panigrahy,Manager (Mech.)
  • 9437031279 – Sri S.R.Patnaik,DGM (AMD) (cpp_amd@nalcoindia.co.in)

Nalco has tied up with IIT, Kharagpur & IMMT, Bhubaneswar for development of new segments like development of tile & extraction of Alumina having long term potential of Ash Utilization. All of these activities will enable NALCO to achieve 100% ash utilization in not too distant a future.

Nalco has tied up with IIT, Kharagpur & IMMT, Bhubaneswar for development of new segments like development of tile & extraction of Alumina having long term potential of Ash Utilization. All of these activities will enable NALCO to achieve 100% ash utilization in not too distant a future.

NALCO also has an incentive scheme to give Rs. 130/M3 of ash lifted from ash pond to be used within radius of 7km andRs.150/ M3 for use beyond 7km. CPP, NALCO. This scheme can be used for road construction and other uses as approved by statutory authorities.

Ash Management

NALCO always manages the ash disposal in a environmental friendly manner. In line with this CPP, NALCO has installed High Concentration Slurry Discharge system in its expansion project and have constructed a new ash pond (Ash Pond-IV) for discharging ash in HCSD mode.