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Products, Services & Works

We use the e-tender/e-commerce platforms which are transparent, non-discriminatory, allowing free access to tenders, allows secure bid submission, available 24×7, and enable us to discover the fair price of our procurement needs. Our sourcing requirements can be found in the Government eMarketplace (GeM) and Central Public Procurement Portal (CPP Portal). All bidders must be registered in these portals to be able to receive notifications and participate in our tenders.

Alternatively –

Active Tenders


Metal Domestic Sales

eAuction is one of the methods of offering our metal products to our customers. The auction is carried out through https://eauction.gov.in/eAuction/app. The Bidders must be registered on this site to be able to receive notification and participate in the eAuction.

Metal Export

We normally float tenders for the export of our metal. The tenders are issued only to Customers registered with NALCO. The tenders are floated in our own tender engine. The link to this engine is shared in the tender notifications communicated to registered customers only.  Click on Registration to know more.

Scrap Sales

We float tenders for the sale of our scrap items. The eAuction platform of MSTC Limited is used for the fair price discovery of scrap items. The Bidders must be registered on this site to be able to receive notifications and participate in the eAuctions / Tenders.