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Yes,ProceedNATIONAL ALUMINIUM COMPANY LIMITED is a NAVRATNA PSU (under the Ministry of Mines, Government of India) established in the year 1981. NALCO is engaged in the business of Alumina and Aluminium for empowering the Nation.
NALCO recognizes and believes the importance of Values and Ethics in Corporate Governance and emphasizes that Vigilance Administration is essentially a Management function.
Vigilance Department in NALCO started its function during the year 1982. Through its various preventive vigilance activities, is striving to inculcate a culture of Transparency, Honesty and Integrity in the company. In this regard the company is following the Rules Regulations, Guidelines, Policies, Acts and others Instructions issued by the following authorities;
Vigilance Department in NALCO is headed by a Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO), who is assisted by;