(i) The particulars of its organization, functions and duties

National Aluminium Company Ltd. (NALCO), is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956. Its Registered office is situated at NALCO BHAWAN, Plot No. P/1, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar – 751061.

The details of offices and customer contact centers of the Company are given at Annexure – 1.

Mission/Vision Statement of NALCO:


To be a Premier and Integrated company in the Aluminium value chain with strategic presence in Mining both domestic & global, Metals and Energy sectors.


To sustainably grow multi-fold in Mining, Alumina and Aluminium business along with select diversification in Minerals, Metals and Energy sectors, while continuously improving on efficiency and business practices thus enhancing value for all stakeholders

Core Values: ‘BEST’

Benefitting Stakeholders
We provide our customers, suppliers and other stakeholders with utmost level of value, service and satisfaction.

Excellence and quality
We ensure that our products, manufacturing & business processes adhere to the highest quality levels and standards.

We relentlessly pursue sustainable practices and create a positive impact on the communities we engage with.

Trust & Integrity
We conduct ourselves with dignity, integrity, equity, transparency and accountability to build trust.

The main objectives of the Company are as follows:

1. To carry on in India and elsewhere trades or business of metallurgists and miners including benefication of minerals, mineral dressing, concentration, smelting, refining and the extraction, manufacture and fabrication, purchase and sale of and generally dealing in all metals and their products and alloys and in particular to manufacture and/or produce and/or otherwise engage generally in the manufacture or production of/or dealing in alumina, aluminium products and by-products and the sale, dealing or other disposition of alumina, aluminium and aluminium products and by-products.

2. To mine, quarry, beneficiate, dress, smelt, refine, manufacture, process, fabricate, purchase or otherwise acquire, sell or otherwise dispose of or deal in bauxite and other aluminium bearing ores, alumina, aluminium, aluminium alloys and compounds, aluminium goods, wares and products of all kinds, chemicals, chemical compounds and metals, minerals or other materials of every kind needed for or resulting from the mining, production or processing of bauxite or other aluminium bearing ores, alumina, aluminium and aluminium products or every kind.

3. To act as an entrepreneur to identify new areas of economic investments and to undertake or help in the undertaking of such investments.

4. To formulate and recommend to the Central Government:

(a) A national policy for the development of aluminium and related input industries and to advise them on all policy and technical matters; and

(b) To act as an instrument of the policy of the Central Government subject to such directives as may be issued by the President from time to time, with a view to exercise control over strategic areas of economy.