(x) The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations

Each of the employees of the Company receives the monthly remuneration containing Basic Pay, Spl. Pay, Personal pay, Dearness Allowance, City Compensatory Allowance, Conveyance Allowance, Productive Incentive, Tiffin Allowances, Education Allowance, Telephone Reimbursement, Magazine Reimbursement, Medical Reimbursement, House Rent Allowance, Electricity/Water Charges Reimbursement, NirantarUtkarshaPuraskar (NUP) etc. depending upon the grade and scale of pay he/she holds. The details of the grades and pay scales are given below:

A. Executives.

All executives have been offered the scale under guidelines issued by the Department of Public Enterprises, Government of India. The existing IDA pattern scales as under are in operation since 01.01.2017.

Designations Scale Codes Pay Scales (in Rs.)
Assistant Engineer/ assistant Officer/ GET/MT E-0 16400-3%- 40500/-
Jr. Manager/ Medical Officer E-1 24900-3%- 50500/-
Assistant Manager/ Sr.Medical Officer E-2 29100-3%- 54500/-
Dy. Manager/Asst. Medical Supdt. E-3 32900-3%- 58000/-
Manager/Dy. Medical Supdt. E-4 36600-3%- 62000/-
Sr. Manager/Medical Supdt. E-5 43200-3%- 66000/-
Asst. General Manager/Asst. General Medical Supdt. E-6 51300-3%-73000/-
Dy. General Manager E-7 51300-3%- 73000/-
General Manager E-8 51300-3%- 73000/-


B. Non Executives.

The pay scale in respect of all non-executive employees are reviewed and revised once in 10 years after negotiations with trade unions and with reference to Govt. of India guidelines on the subject. The scales given below are in existence since 01.01.2017.

Unskilled/ Semiskilled Ministerial Technical Pay Scales (Rs.)
Scale Code Scale Code Scale Code
W1 25800-3%-60000/-
W2 27300-3%-65000/-
W3 M0 T0/P0 29500-3%-70000/-
W4 M1 T1/P1 31500-3%-80000/-
W5 M2 T2/P2 34000-3%-90000/-
W6 M3/S0 T3/P3/S0 36500-3%-115000/-
WSG M4/S1 T4/P4/S1 37200-3%-120000/-
WSG-1 M5/S2 T5/P5/S2 37900-3%-125000/-
M6/S3 T6/P6/S3 38400-3%-130000/-
M7/S4 T7/P7/S4 38900-3%-135000/-
M8/S5 T8/P8/S5 39500-3%-138000/-
SG SG 39900-3%-139000/-
SG-1 SG-1 39900-3%-139000/-


At the end of each month each employee of the Company gets a computerized pay slip showing the details of earnings, deductions including TDS and cumulative balances of various advances that are drawn by him/her for the respective month.

The details of remuneration received by the employees in excess of the limits prescribed under the provisions of Section 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975, wherever applicable, are disclosed in the Annual Report of the Company.