Aluminium Association of India put forth plans and press for business safeguards before Union Minister

Aluminium Association of India put forth plans and press for business safeguards before Union Minister

AAI meets Union Minister Cover Image

AAI meets Union Minister Caption

Bhubaneswar, 30/03/2016: The newly elected body of Aluminium Association of India (AAI) met Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister of Steel and Mines and Shri Balvinder Kumar, Secretary (Mines), Govt. of India, on Tuesday in New Delhi to put forth association’s plans and press for business safeguards. In the meeting, they apprised about the extreme sluggish domestic & international aluminium market conditions and requested for Govt. initiatives and interventions to revive aluminium sector in India.

AAI, the apex body of primary aluminium producers, secondary producers, downstream aluminium industries and various aluminium institutions of India, have recently elected their National Council with Dr. Tapan Kumar Chand, Chairman of NALCO as President, Shri Satish Pai, Dy. Managing Director, Hindalco and Shri Abhijit Pati, President of Vedanta as Vice Presidents of the association and others as executive members.

Dr. Chand, President of AAI, informed that due to low energy cost in Middle East and subsidized energy in China along with other benefits extended by the respective Govt., the landed cost of aluminium is proving to be Rs.5000-6000 cheaper per ton as compared to aluminium produced in the country. Therefore, imports are reaching in India from Middle East & China. AAI’s Vice presidents Shri Abhijit Pati and Shri Satish Pai pleaded for Govt. measures like Safeguard Duties and Minimum Import Price, in line with Steel Sector.

Dr. Chand also pointed out that there is a need for promoting consumption of aluminium for which Aluminium Development Council (ADC) under Chairmanship of Secretary (Mines) with primary & secondary aluminium producers as members may be formed within Ministry of Mines. He also requested Ministry of Mines to take steps for introduction of National Aluminium Policy (NAP-2016) and Aluminium Vision & Mission Plan 2025. On behalf of the association, he assured Ministry for all supports from aluminium producers.

Besides, Dr. Chand emphasized that promotion of aluminium consumption will give a big boost to ‘Make in India’ movement as per capita consumption of aluminium in India is only 2.2kg against world average of 9-10kg. He further informed that the International Aluminium Conference (INCAL-2017) shall be held in Bhubaneswar in February, where all world leaders of aluminium industry will be participating.