Pollution Control

Pollution Control

pollution control


  • Periphery barrier of 15m width having green cover around mines
  • Garland drains and drainage control within the mines
  • Dust suppression at source and sprinkling of water
  • Total overburden excavated with top soil used for reclamation and rehabilitation of mined out areas with vegetation cover.
pollution control

Alumina Refinery

  • Highly efficient ESPs at Calciners and steam Generation Plant
  • Multistage washing of red mud and its storage in specially designed pond
  • Use of dust collectors at handling and transport areas of bauxite, coal, lime and alumina
  • Recycling of waste water
pollution control


  • Hooding of pots and adsorption of fluorine gas by dry scrubbing with alumina in Fume Treatment Plant
  • Defluoridation to reduce fluorine level of contaminated surface water
  • Specially designed preservation system for spent potlines
pollution control

Captive Power Plant

  • Electro-static precipitators with advanced intelligent controllers and effective stack emission control
  • Efficient burner management to reduce emission of carbon monoxide
  • Ash pond with zero discharge and recycling of waste water