Complaints Handling Process

Complaints Handling Process

System of Lodging Complaints

Provision has been made to receive the complaints related to vigilance matter through website. This is to bring the transparency in the system and expediting the processes. All complaints received through website are processed after confirming the veracity of the complainant and further action is taken as per laid down procedure. As per the guidelines of CVC, no action is being taken on the anonymous / pseudonymous complaints.

Guidelines for Lodging Complaint

  • Complaint should be specific with relevant details like NIT no. and date etc.
  • Correct name, address and valid supporting documents are mandatory for processing the complaint.
  • No correspondence shall be entertained on the subject after lodging the complaint.
  • In case it is found that complaint was false and harassment of officials has been caused, action may be taken against the complainant.
  • The complaint having vigilance angle shall only be examined. The vigilance angle comprises of misuse of official position, demand and acceptance of illegal gratification, cases of misappropriation / forgery or cheating, gross and wilful negligence, blatant violation of laid down systems and procedures, reckless exercise of discretion, delay in processing the cases, etc.

Lodging Complaint Through E-Mail

  • By addressing the letter/e-mail directly to the CVO, NALCO, giving the specific facts of the matter relating to corruption. The details of the CVO NALCO’s office are as follows:
    email : cvo[at]nalcoindia[dot]co[dot]in
  • By addressing the letter/e-mail directly to the Vigilance Departments at S&P Complex and M&R Complex of NALCO.

Lodging Complaint Through Post/Drop-Box

  • The complaint can also be raised by addressing the letter of complaint along with supportive documents to CVO, NALCO. The details of the CVO, NALCO’s office are as follows:
    Address : Office of Chief Vigilance Officer, NALCO Bhawan, P/1, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Dist.:Khurda, State:Odisha, Pin-751013
    Phone no. :  0674-2302361
    Fax No. :   0674-2301191
  • One can also raise the complaint by addressing the letter to the Vigilance Departments at S&P Complex and M&R Complex of NALCO.
  • The complaint can also be raised by dropping the complaint along with the supportive documents in the drop box present at the premises of NALCO corporate/unit offices.

Lodging Complaint Through Online

Complainant can lodge complaint online using the provided link (Click Here).